Student Wellbeing Steering Committee
The Student Wellbeing Steering Committee’s goal is to influence a culture of change around mental health and wellbeing by raising awareness of resources, ensuring access to care, providing strategies for care of self and others, and working to create a supportive environment for students. The Committee was convened in part to carry on the work of the Implementation Committee for Student Mental Health and Wellness which was formed to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Managing Student Mental Health formed by Provost Alan Garber.
Committee Membership
- Co-Chair: Robin Glover, Associate Provost for Student Affairs, OPP
- Co-Chair: Giang Nguyen, Associate Provost for Campus Health and Wellbeing, Executive Director, HUHS
- Michelle Barton, Director, Media Relations and Communications, HPAC
- Lauren Brandt, Interim Dean of Students, College
- Pasco Cardillo, Health Educator/Prevention Specialist, HUHS
- Maritza Hernandez, Associate Dean of Student Services, HSPH
- Ambria Jones, Co-Chair of Student Wellbeing, HGC
- Jana Kierstead, Executive Director, MBA and Doctoral Programs, HBS
- Annie Kim, Student Wellbeing Council Chair, GSE
- Barbara Lewis, Senior Director of Student Mental Health, CAMHS
- Nicole Merhill, Director, Title IX Coordinator, OGE
- Donna Mumme, Director of the Academic Resource Center, ARC
- Cherrelle Norris, Director of Communications and Marketing HUHS, HPAC
- Heather Quay, University Attorney, OGC
- Hana Rehman, Harvard Undergraduate Association (HUA) Wellness Representative, College
- Ryan Stanton, Police Captain, HUPD
- Alexis Stokes, Associate Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, OEDIB
- Sheila Thomas, Interim Dean of Students, GSAS
- Kate Upatham, Director of University Disability Resources, UDR
Implementation Committee on Student Mental Health and Wellness
In February 2019, Provost Alan Garber convened a Task Force for Managing Student Mental Health to examine the state of student mental health at Harvard, the resources and supports that are available to students, and the actions the University might undertake to improve their mental health.
The resulting Report of the Task Force on Managing Student Mental Health, published in July 2020, made several recommendations, including launching a mental health awareness and culture change campaign; exploring ways to make Counseling and Mental Health Services more accessible; and examining how to address mental health, sexual climate, inclusiveness, isolation, and belonging holistically.
An Implementation Committee for Student Mental Health and Wellness was established to prioritize the recommendations for implementation; establish working groups to operationalize the Report’s key recommendations; monitor the implementation process; conduct an inventory of mental health and wellness resources across the University; and report on progress.
University Accessibility Committee (UAC)
The University Accessibility Committee (UAC) is a senior leadership level, cross-School committee that is dedicated to identifying and implementing strategies, approaches, and initiatives to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities in Harvard’s programs and activities. Learn more about the UAC.
LGBTQ+ Student Support Working Group
The LGBTQ+ Student Support Working Group is charged with assessing what support is currently available for LGBTQ+ students and determine what other support will be beneficial.
Committee Membership
- Co-Chair: Robin Glover, Associate Provost for Student Affairs, OPP
- Co-Chair: Greta Spoering, Associate Director of SHARE, OGE
- Ashley Cavanagh, Research Assistant in SEAS, GSAS
- Steph Gauchel, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging, HDS
- Erica Knight, Assistant Director of Student Diversity and Access Initiatives, HSPH
- Jonathan Loc, Harvard Kennedy School Student
- Alicja Majer, LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion Administrative Fellow, GSAS
- Alta Mauro, Associate Dean of Students for Inclusion & Belonging, College
- Marshall Page, Associate Director for Student Engagement, OPP
- Dr. Neal Peterson, PCP and Clinical Leader for LGBTQ+, HUHS
- David Robertson, Harvard Business School (MBA) Student
- Dakota Roundtree-Swain, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, HMS
- Cody Sanders, President of the Harvard Chaplains
- Atlas Sanogo, Harvard College Student
- Alexis Stokes, Associate Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, OEDIB
- Alicia Thomas, Director, Diversity & Inclusion, MBA and Doctoral Programs, HBS
- Sheila Thomas, Interim Dean of Students, Dean for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging, GSAS
- Meagan von Rohr, Assistant Director, Office of BGLTQ Student Life, College
Community Building
Explore ways to build community. Consider ways of bringing together students from across schools (e.g., Pride Month, National Coming Out Day, Trans Day of Resilience) collaborating on events for faculty and staff, and the promotion of these activities as well as other related initiatives.
Healthcare and Mental Health Services
Explore ways to continue to expand affirming physical and mental healthcare options in alignment with the WPATH Standards of Care 8. Consider best practices for LGBTQ-specific healthcare among primary care physicians and mental health counselors ensuring there is expertise that includes treating trans and gender diverse people.
Affirmative Systems and Spaces
Explore LGBTQ+ affirming best practices as well as conduct audits of existing resources for students related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Also, draft recommendations for staff training, space modifications, and the sharing of best practices between University’s staff.
Dedicated Central Office/Staff
Explore the need for a central LGBTQ+ Resource Office or a dedicated staff member in support of the LGBTQ+ student community including recommendations of responsibilities based on best practices.